Page name: oh wow its kyra ^.^ [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-27 21:18:47
Last author: kyraawr
Owner: kyraawr
# of watchers: 11
Fans: 0
D20: 2
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I am human.I am young. I am tall.. I am short. I am fat . I am thin. I am black. I am white. I am    . I am     . I am rich. I am poor. I am a boy . I am a   .. I don't know . I am  y. I am  . I am     . . I am    . I am straight. I am chirstian. I am jewsish. I am muslim. I DREAM . I WISH . I SMILE . I LAUGH . I CRY . I HURT . I WORK . I PLAY. I am a daughter . I am a son. I am a mother . I am a fauther. I make MISTAKES . I VOTE . I BLEED . I LOVE . i am HEAR . I am ME

Go to camera whore kayyy

Members Who lurve meeee hehe

1. [Pandora♥xcore] love! ^^ oh and I believe I was your wife at some point XD *huggles* feel the love! XD
1 1/2. [elf blood flows forever] I luvvers you!
2. [Enneigard Rebirth] Yes!
3. [GlassCasket] RAWK ON!!!!
4. [--Moana Marie--] YAY-NES!!!
5. [BrYaN] gotta love that sexy gansta look with that smokin body ;)
6.[Empty~Soul] I LOVE MY KYKY!!
7.[Sieg Heil!!.PK] Holy ish. Ky be my niece. And my illegitimate s*x toy. *cackle* Dun mess wit da famileh.
9.[(*|_Buster_|*)] (^__^) I signed it! YAY! *feels important*
10.[shadows of life] it been signed by a shadow
11.[Janator] U so friendly and always there to talk to .. mwah!
12.[My Sky's The Limit] Mesa ♥♥ you mucho Kyra! =^^=
14.[Chellie Bear] KYRA YAZLZ who couldnt love kyra??
15.[hytrjuhytjhgjg] you's a sexy bitch. do yoo want to touch my penis. do ya. do ya. Well, you've certainly been drinking your milk. =P Have my babies?
16.[DeeJay™] count me in!! phwoar!
17.[eyelinertears][me 2!!!!!]
18.[Nobodies Hero] well...
600. [;;Melodrama Junkie] Well duh! Shes gonna marry me haha..
1217.7 [phoenixborn] Why was I not told of this place Dammit! I LOVE YOOOU!!!

[]I want a boy with lips like morphine,Knock me out every time they touch me.
I wanna feel a kiss just crush me,And break me down.
I want a boy with lips like morphine,Blowa kiss that leaves me gasping.
And I wanna feel that lightning strike me,And burn me down.[]

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2006-11-14 [--Moana Marie--]: *keeps dancing*

2006-11-14 [shadows of life]: <_< >_> *put on techno and disappears*

2006-11-14 [Pandora♥xcore]: food @_@

2006-11-14 [DeeJay™]: *mix + blends it* o.O

2006-11-14 [shadows of life]: nice

2006-11-14 [Nobodies Hero]: *chops and screws it*...beat dat...lmao...>.<!! lmao!!

2006-11-14 [DeeJay™]: pffft! im not into break-beat :P

2006-11-14 [shadows of life]: O_o?

2006-11-14 [DeeJay™]:
go and watch 'yuri harmonica' or somethin :P

2006-11-14 [Pandora♥xcore]: XD

2006-11-14 [--Moana Marie--]: XP

2006-12-02 [kyraawr]: My wiki died! :[

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: not yet

2006-12-02 [kyraawr]: Yay!!! *tackles shadow for like the bagillionth time!!*

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Hides*

2006-12-02 [kyraawr]: Yay ^_^ it lives again!!

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: *disappears and hides behind lexi*

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Omfg *dies* NUHUH

2006-12-02 [kyraawr]: Nuuu! *cries over dead corpse*

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Ewww! Yoo got me all wet! Remeber im an ANGEL

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: O_o I DIDN'T DO IT *disappears*

2006-12-02 [kyraawr]: Oh yeahhh ^_^

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Jumps on Kyra* Yoo may have your tears back!

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: *reappears* yeah 

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: MURDERER!

2006-12-02 [kyraawr]: *falls* YAY! ^_^

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Tackles onto pillows* Yuh XD

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: I DIDN'T DO IT is was mr. green in the library with the candlestick

2006-12-02 [kyraawr]: ^_^

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: LIES IT WAS YOO I TELL YEE

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: no i don't >_>

2006-12-02 [kyraawr]: lmfao!

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Shadows is a muirderer *Hides under kyra* muhahaha ill never be found!

2006-12-02 [kyraawr]: *looks around*...Where'd she go o_O.

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: i am not <img:stuff/mademote.gif>

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *pokes kyra* Psssst! And ARE TOO <img:stuff/shockedemote.gif>

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: O_o? *pokes lexi*

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: no poking meee! *squirms*

2006-12-02 [kyraawr]: *looks at kei* THERE YOU ARE i've been worried sick!

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: soo i did it anyway *pokes lexi again*

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: =D Aww I was here all along

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: yeah

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: omfg your mean *cries at being pokeded*

2006-12-02 [kyraawr]: Not nice :[

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: sorry lexi

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Heehee

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: .....

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *glomps shadows*

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: *glomps lexi*

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ^_^

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: ^_^

2006-12-02 [kyraawr]: MY WIKI LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVESSS!! *creepy laugh like a mad scientist that made a frankenstein ma bob*

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: mawhaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Omfg *leaves*

2006-12-02 [kyraawr]: NO DONT LEAVE YOULL KILL MY WIKI AGAIN!!!

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: But it SCARES me

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: omd not again

2006-12-02 [kyraawr]: *cries*

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Okok *Jumps on Kyra and Hugs* I stay.

2006-12-02 [kyraawr]: *falls and hugs back* YAY! ^_^

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: ^_^

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ^_^ *Hugs shadows too*

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: *hugs lexi*

2006-12-02 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ^^

2006-12-02 [shadows of life]: ^_^

2006-12-03 [Nobodies Hero]: heyaz all...

2006-12-03 [kyraawr]: Yeooo.

2006-12-03 [Nobodies Hero]: Kyra....why did oyou change your name?...its makes me feel all.."not-good"...lmao...

2006-12-03 [shadows of life]: yes she did

2006-12-03 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ..><

2006-12-03 [kyraawr]: yes i did......>_> no im not a slutface hoe o_O. lol

2006-12-03 [shadows of life]: ...

2006-12-03 [Nobodies Hero]: wow..confusion much?...

2006-12-03 [kyraawr]: no nickname from my best friends <3 lol

2006-12-03 [Nobodies Hero]: ....nickname fomr your best friends?....maybe they meant it jokingly?...0.o

2006-12-03 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: no duh..

2006-12-03 [kyraawr]: yeah o_O lol between me and my best friends insults= love♥♥ so i message them say how you doing faggothead or herpies infested twat waffle....or syphhaliss infested bellybutton...

2006-12-03 [Nobodies Hero]: ooo yummmy...*gags*...XP

2006-12-03 [--Moana Marie--]: wow

2006-12-03 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Haha I call my friends whore and shtuff

2006-12-03 [--Moana Marie--]: nice

2006-12-03 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Yeah we love eachother :P

2006-12-03 [--Moana Marie--]: yeah

2006-12-03 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: :P

2006-12-03 [Nobodies Hero]: boringness continues....

2006-12-03 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Meh ill stfu now..

2006-12-03 [--Moana Marie--]: okay then

2006-12-03 [Nobodies Hero]: why??....0.o...

2006-12-03 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Iunno cause...I can?

2006-12-04 [--Moana Marie--]: she has a point

2006-12-04 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ^_^ Seeee

2006-12-04 [--Moana Marie--]: yeah

2006-12-05 [kyraawr]: lmao!

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ^_^ *Dances then pounces on kyra* Rawr

2006-12-05 [kyraawr]: *falls* grawr!! lol

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: #*Hugs* hehe im sooo bored

2006-12-05 [Nobodies Hero]: hmmm...lesbian moment much?...0.o...bad!....angel my ass...J/K!

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Pff just because you're jealous zach and Yush i AM an angel ^_^

2006-12-05 [Nobodies Hero]: sure i very content really...but anyways...ok

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Pff sure :P meh anywhoooo..

2006-12-05 [Nobodies Hero]: and thus ill leave with another awkward!

2006-12-05 [kyraawr]: no stay ill eat youuuu

2006-12-05 [spartan glory]: whoa... no innuendos in here, Kyra.

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *hides then leaves*

2006-12-05 [Nobodies Hero]: isnt it...her wiki ther?...i mean...she can say what she wants...besides...she could ahve been talking about "pie"....>.> dont know!

2006-12-05 [DeeJay™]: are you made of pie, [Nobodies Hero]?

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Yes *bites zach* he is!

2006-12-05 [kyraawr]: LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-05 [DeeJay™]: O.O

2006-12-05 [kyraawr]: Mmm pie! *gets a fork*

2006-12-05 [spartan glory]: but... that's impossible... Pie can't talk... unless... it's... a... talking pumpkin pie!

2006-12-05 [kyraawr]: No hes definately cherry because i love him and i love cherry all fits in.

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: nuu hes apple pie ^_^

2006-12-05 [--Moana Marie--]: *watches*

2006-12-05 [kyraawr]: NO HES CHERRY!

2006-12-05 [spartan glory]: PUMPKIN!

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: NO!!! APPLE!!!


2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: SO AM I! well actually im not cause hes ignoring meh but shh XD

2006-12-05 [--Moana Marie--]: okay pick a number thru 1 and 10

2006-12-05 [kyraawr]: me too :[. lol i'll cry...he knows it!

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: 8! and hes so effin apple!

2006-12-05 [kyraawr]: 1116. jk. uhhh 6?

2006-12-05 [--Moana Marie--]: pick a number

2006-12-05 [kyraawr]: hes cherry!

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: HES APPLE!

2006-12-05 [spartan glory]: POPCORN!

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Ewww...*cries*

2006-12-05 [spartan glory]: fine... chicken noodle soup.

2006-12-05 [Nobodies Hero]: one thing....I AM NOT! popcorn....>.<...thankyou very much! lol....whats the difference between cherry and apple again?

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: XD Popcorn is ewh!!!! and your apple

2006-12-05 [spartan glory]: but... I thought he was cherry?

2006-12-05 [Nobodies Hero]: ok CHERRY...there...problem solved..^^

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: omfg HES APPLE. And apple only!

2006-12-05 [Nobodies Hero]: LOL....lex lex...c'mon now...

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Nu *crosses arms and pouts*

2006-12-05 [kyraawr]: Still. HES CHERRY!

2006-12-05 [Nobodies Hero]: im a "appacherry"....^^ half and

2006-12-05 [kyraawr]: .........*eats his cherry half* ^_^ Yum. with whipped cream :]

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: NOOO HES ALL APPLE DAMMIT!

2006-12-05 [spartan glory]: well now that Kyra ate all the cherries out, he is, haha

2006-12-05 [Nobodies Hero]: aggghhhhhhh!!!! only half a!...LOL...god that sounds os

2006-12-05 [kyraawr]: i know. lol

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: XD Shock horror :P

2006-12-05 [--Moana Marie--]: *watches* hes just apple now

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Yay ^^

2006-12-05 [Nobodies Hero]: im only half hte true pie i was....V.V....

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: XD piehead!

2006-12-05 [kyraawr]: *eats the other half of zachiliscious pie-ness* Yumm ^_^

2006-12-05 [Nobodies Hero]: 0.o...thats "crack" thankyou very much...lmao! j.k

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Noo! The apple half was mine!...*cries and runs away*

2006-12-05 [Nobodies Hero]: 0.o....

2006-12-05 [kyraawr]: im sorry!!! *bakes 12 apple pies for kei with im sorry written in cool whip or what ever she likes with pie*

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Nope! *leaves wiki*

2006-12-05 [--Moana Marie--]: *watches*

2006-12-05 [Nobodies Hero]: ooo...shes...kinda angry....0.o...lex lex...come back...please...?

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: nuu =[

2006-12-05 [--Moana Marie--]: *gives out random hugs*

2006-12-05 [kyraawr]: *cries* *throws up zachiliscous*.....I'm apple-intolerant...or something...>_>...

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: XD *glomps kyra* OH well

2006-12-05 [--Moana Marie--]: *watches*

2006-12-05 [kyraawr]: *glomps back* ^_^

2006-12-05 [Nobodies Hero]: yeap yeap....

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *glomps zach* Yoo get love too XD

2006-12-05 [Nobodies Hero]: meh...thanks but...i dunno...i think i might go here...

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: .? =[

2006-12-05 [Nobodies Hero]: i just feel like goin is all...

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: =[ Kay..

2006-12-05 [Nobodies Hero]: bye now...

2006-12-05 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: bye hun..feel better <3

2006-12-06 [--Moana Marie--]: *watches*

2007-01-28 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Woo! Smexy kyra ^^

2007-01-28 [--Moana Marie--]: oh yeah!

2007-01-28 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Hehe..

2007-01-28 [--Moana Marie--]: ha

2007-01-28 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ^^

2007-01-28 [Pandora♥xcore]: hewwo all ^^

2007-01-28 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Hiii ^^

2007-01-28 [--Moana Marie--]: hey.

2007-01-28 [Pandora♥xcore]: *hugs* Lexi ^^

2007-01-28 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Kee xD

2007-01-28 [Pandora♥xcore]: XD

2007-01-28 [shadows of life]: <_< >_> shadows randomness

2007-01-28 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ^_^ Love ya

2007-01-28 [Pandora♥xcore]: oi love you too ^^

*goes to look*

2007-01-28 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: lol goodgood *Has already SEEN*

2007-01-28 [Pandora♥xcore]: yesh XD

Kee's randomosity yes Lexi has seen too XD

2007-01-28 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Hehehe

2007-01-28 [--Moana Marie--]: im lost.

2007-01-28 [shadows of life]: me too...

2007-01-28 [Pandora♥xcore]: ?

2007-01-28 [--Moana Marie--]: lost....

2007-01-28 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Lmao

2007-01-28 [Pandora♥xcore]: great...I confused people...

2007-01-28 [--Moana Marie--]: still lost....

2007-01-28 [Pandora♥xcore]: sorry...

2007-01-28 [--Moana Marie--]: its okay...

2007-01-28 [Pandora♥xcore]: ^^`

2007-01-28 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I love confusing people ^^

2007-01-28 [shadows of life]: i can confuse you lexi

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